
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Expressions; thermostats reinvented; Philosophy

Short Term ForecastUpdated: Tues, Dec 13, 2011, 6:14 EST

MorningMorning: 6:00 AM - 11:59 AM
AfternoonAfternoon: 12:00 PM - 5:59 PM
EveningEvening: 6:00 PM - 11:59 PM
OvernightOvernight: 12:00 AM - 5:59 AM
MorningMorning: 6:00 AM - 11:59 AM
Mainly cloudyCloudy with drizzleCloudy with drizzleMixed precip.Scattered flurries
Mainly cloudyCloudy with drizzleCloudy with drizzleMixed precip.Scattered flurries
WindSW 10km/hW 10km/hE 5km/hNE 10km/hNE 10km/h
Relative Humidity86%100%100%93%93%
Rain-less than 1mmclose to 1mm--
Snow---less than 1 cmless than 1 cm

Good morning. Fell asleep with the kids last night. When I woke up Suzanne had already left. I did not get to see her except for a glimpse last night when I got up for a few minutes to find her sleeping on the couch in front of the TV. I turned off the lights and went back to sleep. Mathieu woke up at 2:00am to go to the bathroom, as did Sabrina around 3:30am. Apart from that I slept really soundly. We were all very tired yesterday.

It's funny how kids grab expressions:
Martin: "How's your sock now?"
Mathieu: "Perfecto!"

Look at this thermostat. I think they are fabulous. I'd love to build my own smart home, and they would grace each rooms. Now if heating systems became as intelligent...

Suzanne has a supper with friends and I'm putting the kids to bed when Mathieu turns around and asks me the following, cerebral question:

"When we were a germ and became grown-ups, who taught us how to speak English and French?"

Basically, how did we become what we are now is what he's asking himself. He's spending time wondering about the evolution of mankind. He's as deep as Max.

Search Results: December 13 , 2011Montreal Downtown

Max Temp: 1.6 °C
Min Temp: 1 °C
Mean Temp: 1.3 °C
Precip Accumulation: 0 mm 


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