
Thursday, April 02, 2020

Self-Isolation Day 20(1) - Just a normal work day

The world passed a big milestone today, with over a million cases of COVID-19 reported. We'll get over it one day, but it's going to hurt.

One of my work friends made a gloomy post so I had to start a video conference between the four of us (Jeff, Thierry, Aakash and I). They are my friends, my very good friends and it felt good to talk with them. I will initiate more of these short conversations because I need them a lot. I never thought I would need so much social interaction.

I completed the chapter 02.06 - Battle of the Bards draft tonight. Caroline already did a first editing pass. It's a bit silly, as is the entire book, but I chuckle at times when I think about it.

So tonight we have... (Note that per million, Canada has 299/5 cases/deaths, and the USA have 740/18. That's significant.

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Self-Isolation Day 20(0) - April Fool's :)

We're all working and the kids are doing what they have to do for school. We are isolated, but we are also functional, which is great. Of course today we learned that this self-isolation may last until July so we'll out it goes.

Or maybe it was an April Fool's thing and we're all stuck at home for the next year and a half.

Nevertheless, spirits are high here and were further lifted by Sabrina who decided to hide little pigs all over the house. Every now and then I found one staring me right in the face.

I've reset the total days of pure isolation to 0 because I had to go get our meat and vegetables order at Sevelin.

This is our current count... We went up by 130k in the span of 1.5 days.