
Sunday, May 25, 2014

We're in the pool...

Saturday morning the pool had its own mini ecosystem at the bottom. This afternoon the salt was in, the pool was 98% clean and the kids were swimming while Suzanne and I enjoyed life in our backyard. That's how it goes.

And the parents...

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Working on the pool, kids are outside and wine tasting with friends

Today we spent most of the day working around the house while the kids played with Léa and Daphné.

In the evening we were inventing for a dinner - wine tasting at their parent's place, Donna and Sylvain along with best friends Kim, Pascal and family. Here's a list of the excellent wines we had tonight:

Sylvain's meal was delicious, the wines were great (3-2-1-4), the conversations interesting and the ambiance perfect.

Even the kids had a great time. All in all a perfect day.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

He finally did it

Tonight Mathieu read on his own before going to bed. I usually read him a few chapters from a book for about 30 minutes but I couldn't so he did, by himself. It's starting.