We had a wonderful family day on June 24th - La Saint Jean Batiste. We started out our day with the usual plans (pool, work around the house, groceries...) but then we decided to forget about all those chores and do something fun for a change. The initial plan was to take the Metro to l'Ile Ste-Helene and walk around the park and then come back home... but we ended up going with the flow and had a wonderful time. This was Sabrina and Mathieu's first time in the Metro. Sabrina was a little concerned at first because of all the noise, the smells and the hustle and bustle. Once on l'Ile Ste-Helene we saw a wonderful water fountain which Sabrina found quite amusing.

We then visited the "Big Ball" otherwise known as the Biosphere. Sabrina has been obsessed with this "Big Ball" since she was a baby. She used to cry in the car when we would pass it and she could no longer see it. She was quite happy to actually go into the ball and touch the ball. When she's older, we'll take her to visit the museum.

After the "Big Ball" we took a little break at park for kids on l'Ile Ste Helene. Sabrina had a great time on the slides and climbing the rock mountain.

We then proceeded to a wharf to look at the city across the St-Lawrence river when to our surprise a water taxi boat arrived. We decided on the spur of the moment to take the boat across to the old port of Montreal. Wow what a lot of fun!

At the old port we visited a schooner called Marie-Clarisse that was built at the same place and at the same time as the Bluenose. We then had lunch and proceeded to take the Metro back to Longueuil. We got back home by around 1:30 pm and we were exhausted. We then finished our day by going to see our good friends Melanie, Francois and Benjamin for a delicious supper. This was a perfect family day. :)
Sabrina ism of the day : Queuter
Translation: Computer
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