There was a unicorn who lived in a castle. He lived in a cage. One day he wanted to explore the castle. The knight let it out of the cage. He went out of the cage. He visited the dinning room. He left the castle and found some new friends.
He played with his new friends. Then he found a dragon who wanted to be his friend. So the dragon came with the unicorns. And they went back to the castle.
But he still wanted to explore. So he went out of the castle and he found a key. So he touched the key and the door opened. Then he saw a pirate ship. He also saw pirates on the ship.
But there was no parrot.
He said to himself: “why is there no parrot?”
But then he saw the parrot. And the pirates saw it too. His friends came and there was a shark trying to eat the ship. So he jumped out and hit the man who liked to cut the rope so the boat could go on treasure island.
Then the dragon, he made them fly to treasure island. And they were the first ones to find the treasure. In the treasure they found a key what led them to the knights. But the knights were fighting.
So the fire dragon blew the bad guy castle with his fire. Then the knights made them kings and they never needed to fight again.
-Sabrina Giroux